Available Products
Dive into a world of possibilities with our premium seeds. From robust vegetables to vibrant flowers, our 'Currently Available Products' include top-quality seeds, ensuring a flourishing and fruitful harvest for your farm or garden.
ALOKA (Raha-1510)
Radish F1 Hybrid
- Roots pure white.
- Size- 30-35 cm.
- Smooth dark green spinach leaves.
- Late bolting.
- Tolerant to heat.
Radish F1-Hybrid
- Maturity- 40-45 days.
- Size- 30-35 cm.
- Smooth dark green spinach leaves.
- Late Bolting.
- Tolerant to Heat.
ASHOKA (Raha-1210)
Radish F1-Hybrid
- Roots pure white.
- Size- 35-40 cm
- Long and very smooth roots.
- Maturity 50 days after sowing.
Cucumber F1-Hybrid
- Early to mid-maturity with strong plant vigor.
- Size- 20-25 cm.
- Weight- 150-200 grams.
- Light green, smooth with straight lining.
Green Peas
- Dark Green color.
- Sweet and Tasty.
- 10-12 grains in each pod.
- Tolerant to Powdery Mildew.
- Good for long Transportation.
Bitter Gourd F1-Hybrid
- First Harvesting: 40-45 days.
- Colour: Dark Green.
- Size: 14-15 cm
- Weight: 100-110 grams.
- Heavy demand in the market.
BAADSHAH (Raha-2022)
Okra F1-Hybrid
- Nodal distance- Sort
- Shape- Moderate Thick, Smooth.
- Colour- Dark Green.
- Size- 12-14 cm.
- weight- 15-16 cm approx.
- No. of Ridge- 4-5.
- No. of Pickings- 70.
- Branching- Profuse Branching.
- Avg. yield- 650 Kg.
RACE (RS8085)
High-Quality Mustard Seeds
- Date of Sowing- 15th Sept. to mid Dec.
- Yield / Acre- 8-10.
- Plant height- 5.5-6 Feet.
- Duration- 110-125 days.
- Tolerant to low Temperature & White Rust.
GADAR (RS3032)
High-Quality Mustard Seeds
- Date of Sowing- 15th Sept. to mid Dec.
- Yield / Acre- 12-14.
- Plant height- 5.5-6 Feet.
- Duration- 110-125 days.
- Tolerant to low Temperature & White Rust.
KRANTI (Raha-8555)
Okra F1-Hybrid
- Nodal distance- Very Sort with medium tall plant.
- Shape- Thin with small seeds.
- Colour- Attractive dark green.
- Size- 12-14 cm.
- Weight- 12-15 grams.
- No. of Ridge- 5-6.
- No. of Pickings- 68-75.
- Branching- 2-4 Branches.
- Avg. yield- 650 kg.
- Seed-Rate- Ideal 5Kg/HA (60×90 cm)
Danse plantation 80Kg (30×60 cm)